How we build Concepts?


Programul Intilnirilor Multidisciplinare 

Editia a 3-a, iunie – iulie 2012, organizate de Fundatia Archaeus in cadrul Centrului Experimental de Arhitectura Dealu’ Cerului

Tema acestui an va fi:
Cum Construim concepte?
(e binevenita orice discutie pe aceasta tema…)

Avem invitati din domeniile:
Arhitectura / Arta / Concept design / Film / Fotografie / Dans / Literatura / Muzica / Design vestimentar

Cererea mare de participare ne-a determinat sa organizam doua grupe internationale in acest an.

Perioada I intre 28 iunie – 12 iulie 2012
Perioada II intre 16 iulie – 28 iulie 2012

Conform traditiei vom redeschide atelierul de realizare a proiectelor mai vechi, cit si lansarea altor teme ( construirea unui cuptor pentru piine, finalizarea acoperisului la sura, definitivarea locului pentru dus, finalizarea saunei,o tyroliana pe doua curse……si alte surprize).

Le chef (bucatarul), a confirmat participarea …si vine cu retete noi…gatite mai ales in cuptorul pe care-l vom construi.

Seara, in jurul focului sau in sala de conferinte vom dis(pu)(cu)ta problema conceptului…si nu numai.

Clubul plutitorilor se redeschide pe data de 2 iulie….si accepta noi membri…:)

Detalii se adauga zilnic pe site-ul


sau Fundatia Archaeus pe Facebook

Rugam pe cei doritori sa aplice pe adresa de mail – office@studioarchaeus.ro,
pina in 4 iunie (inclusiv) printr-o scrisoare de intentie si un CV actualizat cu fotografie.

Rugam de asemenea sa fie specificata ordinea preferintei pentru perioada aleasa.
Nu se accepta participari provizorii.

Taxa de participare este de 20 euro (+ o carte buna pentru Biblioteca Dealu’ Cerului 🙂
(Noua biblioteca are deja donate peste 120 de volume, reviste si/sau cataloage de arhitectura.)

Cu mult drag si respect,
arh. Marius Miclaus

Program of Multidisciplines Meetings 

3rd Edition – July 2012, organised by Archaeus Fundation within the Sky Hill – Experimental Center of Achitecture

The topic for this year is:
how do we build concepts?
(any idea on this topic is welcome..)

We have guests from the following fields:
Architecture / Art / Concept design / Film / Photo / Dance / Literature / Music / Fashion

Because we are getting many requests, the workshop will be organized twice.

The 1st period is 28th of June – 12th of July 2012
The 2nd period is 16th of July – 28th of July 2012

According to Workshop Dealu Cerului’s tradition, we will reopen and continue the old projects and we will open some new projects and new themes:
(to build a traditional oven for bread and meals, to finish the roof of annexa, to finish the shower, to finish the sauna, to build a 2-course tyrolian game and… some surprises)

Le chef (the cook) confirmed his participation… and he is bringing recipes for the new oven we will build.

In the evening, around the fire or in the conferences room we will have discussions about building concepts and other stuff…

The Floats Club will be reopened on the 2nd of June and new members may (be)come…

We will show details every day on the site


or Fundatia Archaeus on Facebook

The students who want to join us may send an e-mail to: office@studioarchaeus.ro, before the 4th of June and attach an intention letter and a CV with a photography.

We ask you to specify the timeframe of your choice.
We don’t accept provisional participations.

Participation fee is 20 euro (+ 1 (one) book for Sky Hill Library)
(The new Library already has over 120 volumes, books, magazines, and architectural catalogs…

With friendship and respect
arch. Marius Miclaus

Fundatia Archaeus pe Facebook

Dealul-cerului-projekt – ARHIFORUM

Dealul-cerului-projekt – ANUALA DE ARHITECTURA 2009

Dealul-cerului-projekt – PDF – 2006-2009




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