Simpozion “Nearly zero energy building design” - 22 - 31 oct 2012


Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu" Bucuresti organizeaza simpozionul "NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDING DESIGN" in Sala S2 (situata in stanga amfiteatrului mare).
Intrare libera


“ION MINCU”University of Architecture and Urban Planing Bucharest, Romania






1000 -1330


arch. Guergana BARABONKOVA LEED AP, Bulgaria

Passive House Criteria

Lunch break


arch. Guergana BARABONKOVA LEED AP, BulgariaBuilding Envelope: Super Insulation, Air-tightness & Thermal Imaging, Thermal bridge free construction, Passive House windows & doors

Building Services: Passive House Ventilation, Space Heating

Tuesday 23.10.2012

930-1130 arch. Guergana BARABONKOVA LEED AP, BulgariaRetrofitting to Passive House Standard: Enerphit Criteria; Retrofitting with PH components.

Case Studies for new houses and retrofits

1130-1145 Cofee break
1145-1345 Prof. PhD. Dan CONSTANTINESCU – Romanian Academy of Technical Science (ASTR)„Climate Vulnerability and Energy Configuration of Buildings”

1345-1500 Lunch break
1500-1700 arch. Guergana BARABONKOVA LEED AP, BulgariaPassive House Certification Process, Implementing Passive House, Capital costs and payback times; Achieving Passive House Quality



930- 1130 arh. Razvan Enescu, arh.Izabella Lazar, arh. Norana Petre, arh. Zsolt Szasz, arh. Veronica Tudor;Proposal of an office building rehabilitation as a nearly zero energy building – Master Diploma Project

"Reconfigurarea energetica a unei cladiri de birouri existenta, in scopul modernizarii in spiritul Directivei Europene 31/2010/UE - studiu de solutii pe model de proiectare energetica dinamica"

1130- 1145 Cofee break
1145- 1345 Prof.Dr.-Ing. e.h. KLAUS DANIELS , Gemany

Presentation I - Losses + Loads

1345- 1500 Lunch break
1500- 1700

Dr. NEIL BROWN, United Kingdom

Senior Lecturer, Course Leader Climate Change and Sustainable Development

“Low carbon advanced naturally ventilated buildings, and the importance of resilience in building controls, and building pathology.(1)”

Thursday 25.10.2012

900- 1130

Prof.Dr.-Ing. e.h. KLAUS DANIELS, Gemany

1130- 1145 Presentation II – Energy Saving Strategies Cofee break
1145- 1345 Dr. NEIL BROWN, United KingdomSenior Lecturer, Course Leader Climate Change and Sustainable Development
“Low carbon advanced naturally ventilated buildings, and the importance of resilience in building controls, and building pathology.(2)”

1345- 1500

Lunch break

1600- 1730 Passive House Visit - building made under research innovation "Passive House in climatic conditions in Romania"



900- 1100 Prof.Dr.-Ing. e.h. KLAUS DANIELS

1100- 1500

Presentation III –CO2 Free Building Complex

visiting the old center of Bucharest & Lunch

1500- 1730

PhD eng. Irina BARAN, asist. drd.arh. Aura DUMITRASCU, s.l. dr. arh. C. UNGUREANU., Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, IASI

“Architectural solutions for energy efficiency of new and existent buildings”

Soluții arhitectural-constructive de creștere a eficienței energetice a clădirilor noi și existente

PhD Eng. Radu PESCARU, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, IASI:

"The Qalitative and Quantitative Analysis of Heat Transfer Through Building Envelope Components Using Infrared Thermography"

Prof. PhD eng. Irina BLIUC, asist. drd. M. CODREANU , Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, IASI

„Indoor environmental quality and energy efficience of buildings

(Calitatea mediului interior si eficienta energetica a cladirilor)”



1100-1345 Prof. PhD arch. Ana Maria DABIJA, UAUIM “Requirements and solutions to form the building envelope elements with low energy consumption”

1345- 1500 Lunch break
1500-1700 Discussion session

Sunday 28.10.2012

1030- 1130 Prof. ass. PhD eng. Mihaela GEORGESCU, UAUIM “Envelope - criteria of structural - architectural harmonization, and minimizing thermal uniformity”
1130- 1145 Cofee break
1145- 1345 Prof. PhD eng. Iolanda COLDA “Ventilation and conditioning techniques of interior space - moist air thermodynamics”

1345- 1500 Lunch break
1500- 1700 Discussion session



1030- 1130 Prof. PhD arch. Cristina Victoria OCHINCIUC, director of IMUAU Doctoral School “Overall performance of the building. Certification schemes - characteristics, methods of application. Benchmarking analysis.”

1130- 1145 Cofee break
1145- 1345 Prof. PhD arch. Cristina Victoria OCHINCIUC, Prof. ass, PhD eng. Mihaela GEORGESCU, UAUIM, arch, Radu ANDONE “Passive House in Romania – a result of innovative sustainable design”, part I

1345- 1500 Lunch break
1500- 1700 Discussion session

Tuesday 30.10.2012

1000- 1130 PhD eng. Dan MORARU “Computer modeling of buildings (BIM)”
1130- 1145

Cofee break

1145- 1345 Workshop – part I
1345- 1500

Lunch break

1500- 1730 Workshop – part II



1000 - 1130 Prof. PhD arch. Cristina Victoria OCHINCIUC, Prof. ass, PhD eng. Mihaela GEORGESCU, UAUIM, arch, Radu ANDONE “Passive House in Romania – a result of innovative sustainable design”, part II
1130- 1145 Cofee break
1145- 1345 Discussion session
1345- 1500

Lunch break

1500- 1730

Official works closing of the Advanced School